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Fix Your Golf Swing Now

Fix Your Golf Swing Now

If you’ve been wondering how to fix your golf swing, know that performance anxiety is a natural part of any game you may undertake, including golf. Perhaps when you are alone, feeling the crisp morning air mingle with warm sunshine on your skin, iron in hand, nothing can go wrong. Your mind is free, you have everything in order, and you’ve done your math. You bought the perfect length for your driver and you know that you are a slow swinger, so you made sure you have a flexible head. You know you aren’t pro, but it doesn’t matter. When you swing, the ball goes exactly where you want it. Each day, you gain distance. The problem is, when your friends come along, or you have observers, you cringe. How do you fix your golf swing now, so people don’t run and hide when you enter the golf course?

Practice Makes Perfect  fix your golf swing

Keeping ahead of your game requires consistent effort. It may seem that you have everything down, but still, go through the basics and continue to refine your skills. The following are some tips to help facilitate your practice:

  • For right-handed golfing, grasp the club with your left hand, allowing your thumb to lie along the shaft. Place your right hand over the left so your left thumb cups into the right palm. If you are left-handed, reverse this placement.
  • Working on your stance, bend your knees slightly and point your right foot straight out. Position your left foot slightly towards the left.
  • Keep your elbows and arms in with each elbow pointing at your hips.
  • As you swing back, keep your hands parallel to the invisible line created from your shoulders to the ball.
  • Rotate your hips toward the ball on the downswing. The hips are key to adding power to your swing. Make sure that your left wrist is aligned with the ball when your club hits the ball.
  • Keep in mind that five-irons require your feet to be at shoulder-width apart, while long clubs will require more width. Vice versa, a shorter club will require less distance.
  • Make sure your angle is correct, because if the club head points down, you will hit the golf ball first, then hit the ground.



Golf is a very tactile sport. It involves how a swing “feels” at impact. Although knowing the steps to make a proper swing are important, knowing how it feels will add power and precision to your swing. What greater feeling can you have than to feel the swing from start to finish and see the “result” in how the ball flies exactly as you wish down the green?
Some examples of how you can practice using thought to enhance your game are:


  • To line up your shot, choose a target a few feet in front of the ball and aim the club face toward it. Next, choose a point left of your target further in the distance where you believe it will fall.
  • Stand to the side of the ball, turning the club head away, yet still beside the ball and get ready to swing.
  • Concentrate on length and speed as you strike at the ball, visualizing good impact and excellent distance toward your target. Practice a few swings until you can feel it, imagining putting the ball in the fairway ahead.
  • Keeping your mind on the swing and your goal, ignoring all other distractions such as friends or other observers, follow the steps for your swing and hit the ball.


The perfect swing may not come right away, but you make the game difficult by allowing yourself to get too bombarded with the mechanics. It takes the joy out of the game, making it routine instead of the amazing experience you have the ability to create. With practice, time, and visualization, you will see the results you desire in how to fix your golf swing now.

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